Garden in August
Dewy mornings and cooler evenings indicate that summer will soon be gone. But you still have time to thoroughly enjoy your garden!
Harvesting fruits, spices, herbs and vegetables
As mentioned, most of your crops are ready to be harvested in August. Take the opportunity to make pies, mash, or cider from your fruits and berries.
Do you perhaps have a herb and spice patch? Then you should harvest on a sunny and dry day so that they have a chance to dry in a dry and shady area. This way you can enjoy your herbs and spices all autumn and winter.

New planting
August is not just a month for harvesting. As long as the frost stays away from the ground, it is also a good month to plant new shrubs, trees, berries, and perennials.
Evergreen and coniferous shrubs should be planted this month, so that they have time to take root properly before the winter and cold arrive.
Do you want to fill your garden with flowers that blossom in spring? Then you should plant your flower bulbs now in August.
JAS period
July, August, and September are months during which you should prune a lot in your garden. Some of the plants you should prune now are maple, beech, hornbeam, apple trees, and currant bushes.
Do you want to read more about pruning your stone fruits during the JAS period? Read our guide here.