MIPS Helmets at Biltema!
What is MIPS ?
MIPS® stands for Multi-directional Impact Protection System, and it was developed to provide additional protection for different types of helmets in many types of accidents. For some types of impact, MIPS can reduce the forces transmitted to the head which can injure the brain.
Why should you use a MIPS helmet?
A MIPS helmet provides increased protection in the event of a fall from a bike, and – most of all – the technology can protect you from serious brain injuries. How is it different from a normal bike helmet?
MIPS provides double protection
A MIPS helmet does everything a normal helmet does, but provides additional protection against the rotational motion occurring inside the helmet. Inspections of bike helmets have shown that cyclists often fall at an angle against the ground, which makes the head rotate inside the helmet. It is precisely these forces that the MIPS technology works to counter and minimise. Your head can move easily inside the helmet and, in the event of a fall, strain on the brain is reduced along with the risk of serious brain injury.
Traditional helmets
Traditional helmets are designed and tested primarily for straight impacts, but most impacts are at an angle, which can cause the head to rotate.

Brain injuries
This rotational movement can cause brain injuries.
MIPS helmet
The low-friction layer in the helmet is designed to help reduce the rotation of the head during certain angled impacts.

Safety - Patented protective system

Friction - Low-friction layer

Science - Science-based
Linear vs. angled impacts
The shear properties of the brain (how it reacts when forces affect it in different directions) are similar to those of water or jelly. This usually makes more sensitive to rotation than to linear movements. When a rotational motion causes the different parts of the brain to move relative to each other, the tissues can stretch, which may cause concussion or other brain injuries.
Rotational force is a common cause of concussion and more serious brain injury during angled impacts. MIPS consists of a low-friction layer inside the helmet. When you hit your head, the layer moves a little in relation to the helmet, thus directing the force away from the head and reducing the risk of brain injury.

Traditional vs Mips - Most traditional helmets are designed for linear impacts, despite the fact that most impacts occur at an angle. The low-friction layer can reduce the rotational movement that occurs during angled impacts.
A protection system that mimics the brain
In contrast to traditional helmets, which are mostly designed and tested for linear impacts, the MIPS low-friction layer mimics the brain’s way of protecting itself from rotational motion.

Brain vs Mips - Cerebrospinal fluid is a natural protection system that allows the brain to move relative to the skull.
MIPS – a Swedish invention
MIPS stands for Multi-Directional Impact System and was invented by Swedish biomechanical engineers and neurosurgeons. MIPS AB is a Swedish company with its head office in Stockholm. The company sells the MIPS technology to the global helmet industry, and MIPS is currently used in millions of helmets throughout the world (5.4 million in 2017). In addition to bike helmets, MIPS is also used in ski helmets, equestrian helmets, and motor sports helmets.
Our Mips-helmets
Good choice from Folksam
Folksam wants to contribute to greater safety on the roads, and in the spring of 2020 they therefore tested 27 different bicycle helmets on the European market and examined the safety level of these through five different collision tests. In Folksam’s test of bicycle helmets, our MIPS helmet received the highest rating, and was therefore awarded the label “Good choice”. This label means that the product has passed the tests it has undergone, and is thus better than other products without the label.